
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Carnation Family


I want a pink fridge. And... suddenly, more Carnation milk products. LOTS more. Carnation sour cream, Carnation cottage cheese, and most of all, Carnation heavy cream. Cream is good.


  1. We drank a lot of Carnation instant milk when I was a kid and when I got married, I told my Hubs I would NEVER have the stuff in my house in any form. Tasted like ground up bones to me !

    I was so glad when my Dad got on a health kick and got a promotion at the same time...then we got a milkman who delivered fresh dairy from the farm every week (Alta Dena Dairies in Cali, when the milk was not pasturized )

  2. Ah, you obviously did not enjoy Milkman brand, as I did, which has a "kiss of cream." It tastes like ground up bones with a kiss of cream.

  3. LOL Jana...
    Our milk from the milkman came with real cream on top in glass bottles. We would pick fresh berries from our garden, sprinkle sugar on top and pour on fresh cream. Beat Carnation Instant every time !

  4. I made bread pudding in 1917 with a giant jug farm milk, not remembering that it was not homogenized. I poured what I needed right off the top. It was the best bread pudding ever. Awesome.
