
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Apple Custard (1916)

 Myrtle Reed Cookbook (1916)

In the last few years, I worked for a while for Extension Services, providing information on how to feed yourself and your family a nutritious diet on a limited income. One thing I was always on the lookout for was recipes that used stale bread, as our local food bank always gets SO MUCH day- old bread!  This recipe is a great match for SNAP-Ed, as is cheap and contains fruit, dairy, protein, and could use whole grains if you used whole grain bread. It is even low fat and low sugar!  


Sweeten four cupfuls of stewed and mashed apples with half a cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of butter, and the juice and grated rind of a lemon. Add half a cupful of water, two eggs well beaten, and two cupfuls of bread crumbs mixed with one tablespoonful of flour. Add a cup of milk, heat well, turn into a buttered baking-dish, and bake for forty minutes in a moderate oven. Serve with Hard Sauce or with sugar and cream.

Modernized Apple Custard
4 C. Unsweetened applesauce 
1/2 C. sugar 
2 T. melted butter 
1/4 C. Lemon juice OR grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 
1/2 C. water 
2 eggs 
2 C. Breadcrumbs, preferably from stale bread 
1 T. Flour 
1 C. Milk 

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Mix together all ingredients, and pour into greased baking dish. Bake 40 min., or until just set. Serve with sugar and cream, or just straight up. 


Verdict: Both I and the kids thought that at first glance, it looked like cat sick. Husband hasn’t come home yet, so we will have to see what he thinks later. One must acknowledge this, that it is just not photogenic. What it is, though, is a refreshing, cool, appley delight!  I liked it, the kids liked it.  It is good without cream and sugar, but that does make it better. It’s just a nice, simple, light dessert. I bet that babies and toddlers would adore it, which sounds like a criticism, but it isn’t.  If you added vanilla and spices and things it would be fine, but I don’t think it really needs it. The flavor is just “apple.”  And that is enough. 

Update: Husband thought it tasted like “slightly thicker applesauce.”  Make it for yourself and decide who is right!  (me)


  1. Far too late, I'm sure, but your blog post made me think if "De La Trempette", which is a dessert from some parts of Quebec. The name is translated today as "dip" ( as in dipping sauce, or a dip in the ocean ) , but back at the time this dish was much more popular, it was closer to "bread dip".

    It was a dessert made quick and easily, and most importantly, cheaply! Serve cold.

    1 cup cubed day-old homemade bread
    1 to 2 Tbsp sugar or brown sugar
    1/2 cup half & half cream, or 1/2 cup milk

    In a bowl, layer bread, sugar, and milk. Enjoy.

    1. It is incredible, the number of different dishes that can be made with bread, milk, and sugar! Especially if you have an egg as well. Thanks for sharing! —Jana
