June 1942. "Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front -- and there's one in every American kitchen -- saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers on the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds: These are some of the fats which should be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids, and poured into wide-mouthed cans such as coffee or fat cans." 4x5 safety negative by Ann Rosener for the Office of War Information.
And if you don't give your leftover fat to the government, at least make a veggie-filled pastry!
Hi, just popping over from Nonna's blog. My mother made bullets during the war. Carried one on her key chain for years. And she saved fat for years in an alluminum canister marked grease. Maybe out of habit. I had forgotten about that. ~Ames
Way to go mom, for striking a blow for freedom.
With bacon.
It is the best way.
I should research and find out exactly how you turn fat into bullets.
Please do. Then share. It is probably less cool than it sounds, though.
The fats were processed into glycerine which is a component used for manufacturing explosives.
That makes sense.
The more you know
Interesting! This is the first I've heard about people saving fat for the government!
That's one reason why I was born after WWII...any kind of used grease gives me the willies !!!
Heh heh heh.
You don't even know what is coming.
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