Monday, August 30, 2010

In the Kitchen: 1910

19631upreview.jpg picture by seshet27

Have you guys checked out Shorpy? It is a great site with neato old pictures. Like this one!

Home economics in public schools. Kitchen in housekeeping flat, New York," circa 1910. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

I love the clothes, I love the hair, I love the glass jars, and I love that these little girls are learning how to cook real food. People, there are college students that do not know how to scramble an egg. This is a horrifying. If you are one of those people, it is never too late! Do not be afraid to mess up. The more spectacularly you mess up, the more interesting the story you'll have to tell and the more you will learn. And you know what? Most of the time, even if you mess it up, it'll still taste fine. You can do it!


Jenny Jo said...

Yay for real food, but boo for no boys being in this class, and for girls being taught that this is where they belong. Great hair, though, and such snazzy pinafores.

Jana said...

Well sure, but hey, it's 1910. In 1910, boys didn't usually get to learn how to cook, and were therefore dependent upon mothers, sisters, landladies, and restaurants for their food. In 2010, boys AND girls usually don't get to learn how to cook, and are therefore dependent upon pre-packaged substances with mile-long ingredient lists, fast food, and restaurants for food.

Are we that much better? We went from one culinarily competent sex to none. Now both sexes have the same opportunities in math, science, leadership, etc., but no one knows how to feed themselves.

The kitchen is where *everyone* belongs! :D

Nonna said...

I totally agree Jana. Very Cool link...thanks !

Whenever we have company, we congregate in the kitchen and family room. All our kids know how to cook and like doing it.

Jana said...

I love family gatherings and parties where the action migrates to the kitchen. It feels so friendly!