Then I look at pictures like this:

July 1937. Washington, D.C. "Mrs. Claude Pepper, wife of the Senator from Florida." (Thanks Shorpy.com)
And this:

Washington Times. Interior, Hamilton Street house, circa 1920
And even this:

A 12-year-old girl in a family of nine cooks a meal in a rude, open lean-to hut in Tennessee. The family lives in an open field near the Tennessee River. (1936)
And I feel pretty darn lucky!
Yeah, it's very strange that counter-top space seems to have been so late an invention. I wonder what it was that precipitated the metamorphosis of the kitchen into the modern design.
That last picture is dismal, but I'm intrigued by her oven setup.
And, lastly, is that a trifle dish I spy atop your kitchen cabinets? When are you going to make us a trifle?
I don't know how people got along without counterspace! Probably used their kitchen tables more. Which means you'd have to clean up before eating. Which would be annoying, but the kitchen would probably stay cleaner!
It is a trifle dish! Good eyes. I really must make a trifle some time.
Hmm, but maybe instead of eating at your kitchen table, you would eat in...your dining room! Ah, the good old days.
I'm highly sensitized to trifle dishes. I have one (wedding loot) that I've never used. It weighs on me.
Well, certainly if you were rich enough! And presumably, you'd have a cook..... HMMMM...
Such a shame about the trifle dish! Trifles are delicious.
That last photo is bleak indeed...makes my kitchen look like a palace !!!
You do such amazing things in your kitchen so what if it's itty bity. I have a very small kitchen with very little counter space and limited cupboard space too. It's the quality of what you cook and bake there, not the size that matters...
And while we are on the subject of Trifles, I'd like to see your lonely Trifle bowl filled to the brim with deliciousness too !
Well, with two votes now I've got to make a trifle some time!
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