Our sad heroine makes do with only her dachshund, while craving a more masculine brand of company. Even prune whip does not make her feel better. Will her dreams ever come true? Tune in next week.
Bonus recipe:
Prune Whip
5 cooked prunes, drained
1 tablespoon confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon orange juice
1/4 cup heavy cream, whipped
Pit and cut prunes, mix with next 2 ingredients and chill. Whip cream, add chilled mixture and top with maraschino cherry if desired.
I am thankful I do not live alone. I do not have to eat prunes mixed with whipped cream.
I lived by myself for a number of years, and yet I was never inclined to eat prune whip. I'm so glad.
Perhaps the urge to shovel prune whip into your face is a sign that you have been too long alone.
I, for one, am interested in the recipe since I enjoy dried plums (a kinder, gentler name for them). And, I'm an unofficial cheerleader for regularity!
Well then, I put it to you to try this recipe and report back! And yes, if one is not regular, nothing much else matters.
My friend and I made prune whip as a joke for older men that we worked with. It was actually delicious!
Great! Perhaps I was unfair to it. ;)
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